Garrett's Blog

A place for my thoughts on software development

REST in Rust

Posted at — Jun 14, 2016

Writing a simple REST app in Rust

If you have ever worked with HTTP in Rust, you have probably referred to the hyper crate. Hyper provides a safe abstraction over HTTP and offers both a client and server type. It is also the foundation for frameworks such as Iron and Nickel.

One of the coolest things about hyper is that its server can be started with anything that implements the Handler trait. There is one required method called handle and it denotes how the type which implements it should respond to an incoming connection.

handle has the following function signature:

fn handle<'a, 'k>(&'a self, Request<'a, 'k>, Response<'a, Fresh>)

As you can see it gives us access to a Request and Response type which are aptly named. If you take a look at the documentation for these, you will find that they provide the basis to check for HTTP headers or set the body of an HTTP response.


The regex crate recently added a type called a RegexSet. This is a powerful construct in that it can match multiple patterns that you provide in a single scan. Using this idea, I thought it would be fun to write a router with a RegexSet matching requests under the hood.

The result of this is reroute. This crate provides a Router type that can match patterns you provide and call corresponding functions accordingly. The functions have access to the Request and Response along with a type that captures matches in the URI.

A simple example

extern crate hyper;
extern crate reroute;

use hyper::Server;
use hyper::server::{Request, Response};
use reroute::{Captures, Router};

fn digit_handler(_: Request, res: Response, c: Captures) {
    println!("captures: {:?}", c);
    res.send(b"It works for digits!").unwrap();

fn main() {
    let mut router = Router::new();

    // Use raw strings so you don't need to escape patterns.
    router.get(r"/(\d+)", digit_handler);


    // You can pass the router to hyper's Server's handle function as it
    // implements the Handle trait.

Since Router implements the Handler trait, hyper’s Server can use it to respond to connections. With this in mind, you can write a REST app in a few lines and extend this functionality to suit your own needs. The Captures type gives you matches in your URI that the regex engine finds. So in the example above, if I do a GET against the route “/123”, c will be Some(["/123", "123"]). This is a Vector of the matches returned from the RegexSet. You can use any pattern with grouping that you like and the router will collect them for you. Of course you don’t need to provide groups and can just add routes like “/v1/some/endpoint” as well.

Reroute surely isn’t as complete as Iron but its only goal is to route requests in an app.

Questions or thoughts?

Feel free to contact me through the email on my GitHub profile.