Garrett's Blog

A place for my thoughts on software development

Recent posts

Jun 6, 2021
Start Fuzzing With Zig Fuzzing is a testing technique in which a program generates random data as input for another program to consume. The goal is to find data which could cause corruption or other fatal issues in the software that is being tested.…
May 17, 2020
A Brief Exploration of Zig Why Zig? Zig is an intriguing new language that aims to fill a niche in the low-level development world. It offers a syntax that looks like a derivative of C along with some exciting features that make it an appealing modern alternative.…
Jun 24, 2018
A Rusty Go at Channels Channels Channels are a useful concurrency primitive that enable separate processes to safely communicate without the need for explicit synchronization. The term processes is used here to loosely describe independent threads of execution within a program.…